BTS K9 Dog Training
Dog Training Fort Walton Beach
At BTS K9, we provide professional dog training services to Fort Walton and all surrounding areas. Puppy Training, Basic Obedience, Advanced Obedience and Board and Trains Programs.
- Rated #1 In Fort Walton Beach, FL
- Get Your Dog To Listen & Obey
- On and Off Leash Board and Train
- We Train YOU as well!

Welcome To BTSK9

BTSK9 Dog Training Fort Walton, FL.
BTSK9 Dog Training provides dog training services in Fort Walton Beach, FL and surrounding areas. We have multiple dog training programs to help you transform your dog into it’s best version! We offer board and train programs for puppies, basic and advanced obedience.
We service all of Fort Walton Beach, FL
Our team has years of experience and has helped hundreds of dogs and owners like yourself achieve this life with their dogs. Over our years of experience we’ve created a dog training system that works and will help you reach your training goals in the most efficient way possible, limiting confusion and frustration for you and your dog.
Create The Well-Behaved Dog Of Your Dreams
We’re a team of compassionate and professional dog trainers dedicated to helping you and your dog achieve the life you dream of.
Whether your goal is off leash reliability, perfect obedience, or you’re just looking to start your pup off on the right foot, our trainers can help get you there.

What We Can Offer

Board and Train

Puppy Training

Private Lessons

Exploring Canine Behavior: A Comprehensive Conversation
Want to know the reason behind your dog’s aggressive behavior? Or why structure is SO important in your pup’s everyday life? You’re not alone! Once in a month, we talk about interesting topics around the dog universe. Listen to conversations with experienced fellow dog trainers, behavioralists, dog owners and much more.

Calm And Confident
Our training is all about creating a calm and confident dog that listens and behaves in any environment so you can take your dog anywhere and not have to worry about if they’ll behave or not. Well-behaved dogs have more freedom and that’s our goal- to give you and your dog the freedom you deserve.

In our training program, your dog will learn basic obedience commands like sit, down, come, and place along with loose leash walking. These are all skills we use to teach your dog how to be calm. Most dog’s behavioral issues are just symptoms of their state of mind. When we teach our dogs impulse control and to be in a calm state, they make better choices leading to less anxiety, reactivity, and unruliness. At the end of training, your dog will go home with a set of skills and a new state of mind that will carry over into your home and everywhere they go with you.

Training You
But this training isn’t just for dogs… all of our training focuses on training you just as much as we do your dog. You’ll be along with us through the training process and receive training updates, guides, and a 2 hour go home session at the end of training to teach you how to continue this lifestyle long after your dog finishes with us. All of our training includes support for life, so if you ever need additional support, our trainers are here to help.

BTSK9 Family
We believe in treating all the dogs that come to us for training as our own, so when you come to us for training you become a part of our pack of calm, confident, well-behaved dogs.

We focus on owner training as much as dog training!
At our send homes, we spend 2 to 3 hours educating you on how to become the best dog handler! After your dog graduates, we offer multiple free training opportunities to strengthen your skills!